Filing ANF 2B Application Form for Import of Restricted Items is necessary during the import of ammunition, helicopters, aircrafts, and gifts. The applicant must complete section 1 through 14 and sign the declaration / undertaking before filing the form.
You must file this application form in duplicate. Please sign each page of the form. You must enclose copy of bank receipts along with self-attested copies of Proforma Invoice, Registration Certificate, and Recommendation Letter. Please attach original Donor’s letter and chartered Accountant’s certificate declaring the turnover of ammunition as and when applicable. Submit a copy of ANF 1 form along with this application.
Steps To Prepare ANF 2B Application Form for Import of Restricted Items
- Enter IEC Number in section 1.
- Enter your name and address as an applicant on line 2i and 2ii respectively in section 2 of the ANF 2B Application Form for Import of Restricted Items.
- You must complete section 3 when the application is filed electronically. Please provide details like ECOM reference number, date of submission of the application, regional authority name, file number, and date of issue.
- Provide application fee details like fee amount, particulars of Demand Draft, Electronic Fund Transfer, or Bank Receipt, date, and name of the bank and branch where the application fee payment is drawn in section 4.
- Mention Total CIF value in INR and foreign currency on lines 5i and 5ii of section 5 respectively. Please specify the name of the foreign currency.
- Enter particulars of items like description, ITC (HS) Code, quantity, CIF value, and the country of origin of each item on a separate line in section 6.
- Section 7 requires input of imports made in the past three years. Provide details like year, particulars of import licence, quantity, CIF value, and export destination on a separate line for each import.
- Provide Sponsoring Authority details like name of the Ministry / Department and recommendation letter date and number on lines 8i and 8ii respectively in section 8.
- Complete s section 9 in case you are applying for import of ammunition.
- Complete section 10 in case you are applying for import of Aircraft or Helicopters.
- You must provide details in section 11 while applying for importing gifts.
- Enter the address of the premises where the imported items are used in section 12 of the ANF 2B Application Form for Import of Restricted Items.
- Provide details of licensed capacity and projected manufacturing of end products in section 13.
- Section 14 has space to provide the justification for import.
- Complete preparing ANF 2B Application Form for Import of Restricted Items by signing and entering date, place, name, designation, and office address and phone number, along with residential and email address.
Application for Import of Restricted Items Form
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