Application for License for Agriculture,Trading and Marketing Form

This form needs to be used only when Application for License for Agriculture, Trading and Marketing in India. This form can only be used in the State of J&K in India.

Text Version of this Form

[SEE RULE 102-(i) ]
The Secretary,
Market Committee.

The particulars of my business are given below :
1. Name of the applicant with full address……………………………………….
2. Place of business for which licence is applied for (give the name or number of the building and
the name or number of street or other description sufficient to identify the
3. If the applicant is a firm, is it a Hindu-Joint-family Firm, or otherwise constituted
and has it been registered or not ?………………………………………….
4. If the applicant is a firm, give the name of all persons constituting the firm with
parentage, residence and address………………………………………………….
S.No. Name Father’s/Husband’s Name Full Address

123 4

5. Name of the Managing proprietor or Manager of the
6. Name of other trade Assistants of the applicant
7. Name and style under which the applicant will
8. Has the applicant or, where the applicant is a firm, has any member thereof, single
or in collaboration with any body else been granted a dealer’s licence in any market area in the
state of J&K and has such licence been suspended or cancelled ?
If so, when for what period and for what reasons ?……………..

9. Category of licence applied for :
(1) A (4) D
(2) B (5) E
(3) C (6) F
10. Has the applicant or any of his partners been declared insolvent
in the past ? If so, has the insolvency been discharged ?…………………….
11. Has the applicant or any partners been convicted of any offences relating
to his business in the past two years ? If so, nature of offence and the punishment
awarded. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Certified that the facts set out in the application are true to best of my knowledge. I undertake to
abide by the provision of the J&K Agricultural produce Marketing ( Regulation ) Act,
1997 and the rules and Bye-Laws and conditions of the licence made thereunder :
I shall be responsible for all acts of my employees. It is requested that a licence of
category—–may kindly be granted to me
Signature of the Applicant.

Application for License for Agriculture,Trading and Marketing Form