This is a California Liability Release Form, this form can be used to release of Liability, waiver of the right to sue the state of California, the trustees of California State University, and participating in its internship activity. Since this is a legally binding document and you are releasing Liability boots of this form is very carefully. If you have any trouble understanding any sections of this form will not hesitate to consult with an attorney.
How to complete this California Liability Release Form?
Read through document carefully once and understand the following points:
- You acknowledge that in consideration for being allowed to participate in this internship, you release from Liability state of California, trustees of the California State University, their employees and officers from all kinds of claims.
- You also state that you are voluntarily participating in this internship and understand that there are risks both physical and psychological. And you assume all the related risks and the indemnify California State University.
- If you need medical treatment, University can obtain treatment for you but you will be financially responsible for any costs of such.
- You also have to understand that this document is written to be as broad and inclusive as legally permitted by the state of California. And if any portion is held invalid you will still continue to be bound by the remaining terms.
After having understood this California Liability Release Form, you must enter the following details:
- A short description of the internship activity.
- The dates and times of the internship.
- The location/facility of the internship.
- Any hazards that you need to be aware of.
- How to mitigate the above stated hazards.
- You must then type in your name, the date and sign this document.
- The last section of this document contains blank space for you to fill in a complete description of the internship that you are going to be a part of.
If you are 18 years or under then it is obligatory that you get your parent or legal guardian to read this document and sign in the space provided for them. You have to understand that you must know all the legal consequences of signing this document before it is brought into effect. You can download this California Liability Release Form by clicking on the download link below.
California Liability Release Form
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