Illinois Personal Property Bill of Sale form is a legal instrument intended to facilitate the sale/purchase transaction and transfer of personal property from the seller to the buyer. This instrument is legally binding on the seller and the buyer.
Notarization of the Illinois Personal Property Bill of Sale form is necessary before the Notary Public of Illinois State for its execution and legal standing. Read this form carefully to understand various provisions mentioned in it. You as an affiant and the seller of personal property must provide property description as listed on the Multiboard Residential Real Estate Contract 5.0.
Before Signing this Illinois Bill of Sale
- You as a seller must possess complete ownership of the property along with full right, power, and authority to sell the said personal property/product.
- You as the seller warrant the buyer that the said personal property is clear and free of any and all liens, encumbrances, and charges.
- Illinois Personal Property Bill of Sale form frees the seller of warranties and liabilities if any.
- The buyer of the personal property undertakes to purchase the property as is.
- Notarization of the seller’s signature is mandatory for the legal standing of Illinois Personal Property Bill of Sale Form.
Begin by typing your name as the seller making this bill of sale on the first line of the form. Then type the name of the city and county in the given spaces. The next line requires buyer’s legal name. Type the name of the buyer in the space provided for the same.
Insert date and then detailed property description in the succeeding portion of Illinois Personal Property Bill of Sale form. Furnishing accurate description of the property is very necessary.
Sign in the space provided on the last portion of the form and insert date before the signature. You must sign before the Notary Public of Illinois State for acknowledgement of the same. The next space in the Illinois Personal Property Bill of Sale form is reserved for notarization and inputs from the Notary Public like the name of the County of Illinois State, date, seal, signature, and date of expiry of the commission are required. Form Illinois Personal Property Bill of Sale is simple to complete and you may require a few moments to enter all required inputs along with the notarization of the signature.
Illinois Personal Property Bill of Sale Form
Preview Illinois Personal Property Bill of Sale Form