Petitioner/Plaintiff/Landlord may seek the eviction of a tenant due to various reasons and the Petition for Eviction from Residential Premises serves the purpose of requesting the Justice Court to pass the order after the consideration of facts to the truths.
This petition for eviction is under the jurisdiction of the Justice Court, Harris County of Texas State. The petitioner must fill all details truthfully and attach supporting documents like the lease agreement. Read this petition document carefully and sign before the Notary Public or the Clerk of the Court, as it is needed by the law. Specify grounds for the eviction descriptively for the due consideration of the petition and the cause of filing it.
Petition for Eviction from Residential Premises has numerous fields for inputs by the plaintiff. Insert case number followed by the name of the place and precinct of Harris County. Furnish names of plaintiff and defendant in the respective lines. Enter the legal name of the landlord and the plaintiff in the space reserved for the same.
Next Section Tenants seeks the legal name of tenant/defendant along with the street address, city, state, zip code, and phone number. This address is considered for service of the notice. Provide other home and work addresses of the tenant in Harris County known to the plaintiff on the subsequent line. Check the box if you do not know any other addresses of the tenant. Furnish the same information for tenant 2 if there is more than one defendant.
Texas Harris Country Petition for Eviction from Residential Premises
Describe the property in the space provided in premises section. Be descriptive to define the property and the subject of the petition for eviction. The next section Grounds for Eviction seeks detailed inputs of the factors. Mark the first box in case the cause is failure to pay the rent. Select Lease type, followed by furnishing the starting and ending date of the lease. Specify the rent amount and cycle followed by the date of receipt of last rent payment. Continue by inserting the unpaid/due rent as on the date of filing the petition and then fill particulars of rent subsidy amount, name of the entity, and the amount paid by the defendant.
Select the second option for violation of the lease and furnish the paragraph number and cause of the violation in detail. Enter the date of the notice of termination in case the reason for the petition is hold over. Provide the details of the foreclosure and select the appropriate option among the two offered in the Foreclosure section.
Notice to Vacate section of the petition seeks the input of date and mode of delivery of the notice. Select the box if you seek attorney fees under the contractual or statutory manner and furnish the particulars in the respective spaces. Insert paragraph number and amount in front of contractual or date of sending and receiving a written demand and amount of an attorney fee in front of statutory if you select so.
Sign, insert printed name and title in the latter portion of the petition. Furnish your address, phone number, fax number, and State Bar Number if any. Select the box and provide email address in acceptance of receiving email communication. Mention the state and county name followed by specifying the date and name. Sign in front of the clerk and notary public and complete the petition with their signatures on it.
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