Rent Receipt Form

This is a Rent Receipt form or document that can be used by a landlord to acknowledge the receipt of rent from a tenant. This document can also be used by the tenant to show proof that he has paid the rent to the landlord.

The document has the options to fill in the date when the rent was paid to the landlord. It also has the option to fill in the sum of the rent, and the duration for which the rent has been paid for. It also lets you fill out the address of the premises for which the transaction of the rent has been made between the Landlord and the Tenant.

Lastly it has a blank so the landlord can sign the document and make the receipt of the rent complete and legal. This receipt acts as a proof of rent paid for your tenant as well as for you. Download this form for Rent Receipt Form in United States of America.

Rent Receipt Form
Rent Receipt Form

Text version of this Form

Date: ______________, 20____

Received from _____________________________ the sum of $_________________, which is rent for the period of ______________ , 20___ thru ______________ , 20___ for the premises known as ____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ .
