Adopt-210 Adoption Agreement Form is a legal document intended to facilitate adoption of a child before the Judicial Council of California in line with the directives prescribed in the California Family Code, §§ 8602–8606, 8612, 9003; Cal. Rules of Court, rule 5.730; and Welfare and Institutions Code, § 366.24.
The document has 8 parts requiring inputs from the parties involved in adoption as well as the judge. Each party related to the adoption must sign before the judge at the hearing in acceptance of the adoption. You must type or print all names of all parties. This Adopt-210 form offers various possible options to apply for adoption and you must select the most appropriate and applicable options during completing the document.
Before You Proceed
- Read all provisions in form Adopt-210 from part 4 through 7 and furnish the details in the only applicable part.
- All the involved parties must sign form Adopt-210 before the judge at the hearing in acceptance to the adoption.
- Signature of a minor child is optional; however, child above the age of 12 years must sign before the judge in acceptance of the adoption.
- Part 4 through 7 are declarations and undertaking. Signing these parts makes the adoption legally binding for all parties.
Insert your name in part 1.a and 1.b as applicable. Then specify the relationship with the child and proceed to furnishing address. Skip this part in case a lawyer is appointed. Insert the particulars of the lawyer instead. Mention child’s name before and after adoption along with date of birth and age, in part 2. Part 3 is reserved for a date, printed name of the child, and signature before the judge.
Insert date, your printed name, and sign before the judge in part 4.a in case you are only one adopting parent. The spouse of the parent mentioned in part 1 must sign in 4.b after inserting a date and printed name.
Part 5 has undertaking for two adopting parents and each one must sign before the judge in acceptance after inserting the date and printed name/s. Part 6 of form Adopt-210 is reserved for tribal customary adoption. Insert date of tribal customary adoption order and enclose a copy of the same. Both parents must sign at the hearing; furnish the date and printed or typed names when applicable. Part 7 is reserved for undertaking and acceptance during stepparent adoptions. Insert date, type or print name of stepparent, and sign at the hearing in acceptance of the adoption.
Part 8 of form Adopt-210 is reserved for the inputs by the judge. Ensure completion of form Adopt-210 in all respects, by furnishing the necessary particulars as and when needed and applicable.
California Adopt 210 Adoption Agreement
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