California Adopt 230 Adoption Expenses Form

California Adopt 230 Adoption Expenses

Use this form for Adoption Expenses Documentation in the State of California.

Text Version of this Form

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Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.
ADOPT-230 Adoption Expenses

If you are adopting your stepchild, do not fill out this form.

1 Your name (adopting parent):
Relationship to child:
Address (skip this if you have a lawyer):
Street: Fill in court name and street address:
City: State: Zip: Superior Court of California, County of

Telephone number: ( )
Lawyer (if any): (Name, address, telephone number, and State
Bar number):

Fill in case number if known:

Case Number:

2 Name of child after adoption:

3 List the services you received that were related to the adoption of the child listed in 2 :

Name and address of How much paid, or
Service service provider value of service Payment date

a. Hospital

b. Prenatal care

c. Legal fees paid

d. Adoption agency fee
paid $

e. Transportation

f. Adoption facilitator
fees paid $

Judicial Council of California, ADOPT-230, Page 1 of 2
Revised January 1, 2007, Mandatory Form Adoption Expenses
Family Code, § 8610

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Case Number:

Your name:

Name and address of How much paid, or
Service service provider value of service Payment date

g. Counseling fees paid

h. Adoption service
provider $

i. Pregnancy expenses
paid $

j. Court filing fees paid $

k. Fingerprinting fees $

l. Other

If you need more space, attach a sheet of paper and write “ADOPT-230, Item 3—Payment for Services” at the top.
Number of pages attached:

4 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I have listed all payments (or
anything of value) that I have paid or agreed to pay, or that were paid on my behalf, related to the child I want to
adopt. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information in this form
is true and correct, which means that if I lie on this form, I am guilty of a crime.

Type or print your name Signature of adopting parent

Type or print your name Signature of adopting parent

Revised January 1, 2007 ADOPT-230, Page 2 of 2
Adoption Expenses