California Adopt 310 Contact After Adoption Agreement Form

California ADOPT-310 Contact After Adoption Agreement provides decisive guidelines with reference to the judgment passed by the judge to permit or disallow relatives and others to contact the child upon the completion of the adoption under the Family Code, § 8714.5, 8714.7; Welfare & Institutions Code, § 366.26.

Form ADOPT-310 offers five modes of contacts like telephone, letter, visits, sharing information, emails, and it also has provision to specify any other mode of contact by mentioning the mode, name of the person, and superscripting “ADOPT-310, Item 3—Other Types of Contact” on the top of the additional sheet. Furnishing the particulars of the child’s lawyer is mandatory per California (Fam. Code, § 8714.7) if the child is dependent of the Juvenile Court. Provide all particulars truthfully and attach additional sheets when necessary. However, each sheet must contain the title of the sheet on the top as specified in form ADOPT-310.

Prior To Proceeding

  • Filing form ADOPT-310 does not alter the status of the adoption in whatsoever manner.
  • The child is in capacity to discharge form ADOPT-310 and its order upon attaining the age of 18.
  • Each involved party and relative/s must sign the agreement in acceptance.
  • Always mention the number of additional pages attached in the space provided and do not forget to type the title as specified in the form ADOPT-310 for each type of additional particular furnished on additional sheet/s.
  • Form Contact after Adoption Agreement has 6 sections and filling them legibly is mandatory.

Leave the box for the clerk’s stamp blank, furnish court’s name, and address along with the case number.

California Adopt 310 Contact After Adoption Agreement

Enter your names as adopting parents in 1a and 1b. Specify your relationship with the child and proceed to furnish your street address, city, state, and zip code. Provide your phone number with area code. You may choose to skip this portion in case you have appointed a lawyer. Enter the name, address, phone number, and State Bar Number of your lawyer if any.

Provide the name of the child after the adoption. Specify date of birth and age of the child. Confirm if the child is dependent of the Juvenile Court by selecting the right box and provide the name of juvenile court county and case number when you select yes. Provide the name of the lawyer of the child, address, city, state, zip code, phone number with area code, and State Bar Number in 2d.

Section 3 requires an input of name/s of relative/s, relationship with the child, and mode of contact. Circle all the modes as applicable. Provide particulars of additional relatives on a separate sheet and mention “ADOPT-310, Item 3-Other Relatives” at the top. Mention ADOPT-310, Item 3—Other Types of Contact” at the top and insert number of pages to specify the other mode/s of contact on a separate sheet if any,

Type your name and case number on the foremost portion of page 2. Attach a copy and insert number of pages if signed and written agreement regarding Contact After Adoption. Section 6 requires signature/s by all concerned along with the date and printed or typed name. A child of 12 years or more must sign along with the lawyer. Attach additional sheet if needed and mention “ADOPT-310, Item 6—Signatures of Other Relatives,” on top of the sheet. Insert number of sheets in the space provided if any.

Last portion of the form ADOPT-315 has space reserved for the judge’s signature and date.

Text Version of this Form

———————– Page 1———————–

ADOPT-310 Contact After Adoption Agreement Clerk stamps below when form is filed.
Original Change

1 Your name(s) (adopting parent(s)):

Relationship to child:

Your address (skip this if you have a lawyer):
City: State: Zip:
Your phone #: ( )
Court name and street address:
Your lawyer (if you have one): (Name, address, phone #, and State Bar #):
Superior Court of California, County of

2 Information about the child:
a. Child’s name (after adoption):
Case Number:
b. Date of birth: Age:
c. Is the child a dependent of Juvenile Court? No Yes
If yes, Juvenile Court and Juvenile Case number:
County: Case #:
d. If the child has a lawyer, fill out below. If Item 2c is yes, child must have a lawyer (Fam. Code, § 8714.7).
Name of child’s lawyer:
City: State: Zip:
Phone #: ( ) State Bar #:

3 The people below agree with the parent(s) in ❶ about contact with the child after adoption. If the agreement is
confidential, write “Confidential” instead of the person’s name.
If other relatives, attach a sheet of paper. Write “ADOPT-310, Item 3— Type of Contact (circle all that apply):
Other Relatives” at the top. “Telephone #Letter Visits

Name Relationship to Child $Share Info %E-mail “Other*

a. ” # $ % ”

b. ” # $ % ”

c. ” # $ % ”

d. ” # $ % ”

e. ” # $ % ”

f. ” # $ % ”

g. ” # $ % ”

*Explain type of contact on a sheet of paper. Write “ADOPT-310, Item 3—Other Types of Contact” at the top.
Number of pages attached:

Judicial Council of California, Contact After Adoption Agreement ADOPT-310, Page 1 of 2
Rev. January 1, 2003, Mandatory Form ➔
Family Code, § 8714.5, 8714.7; Welfare & Institutions Code, § 366.26

———————– Page 2———————–

Case Number:

Your name(s):

4 If y ou have a signed, written agreement about Contact After Adoption, attach a copy.
Number of pages attached:
5 The parties have discussed the reasons for the continued contact between the child and the specified relatives in
view of the best interest of the child.

After the judge grants the Adoption Request and approves this agreement, the adoption is still valid.
It can never be canceled or changed even if one of the people signing this agreement:
■ Does not follow this agreement and/or
■ Files ADOPT-315 (to change, end, or enforce this agreement)
When the adopted child turns 18, he or she can undo all or part of this agreement.

6 Everyone involved in this agreement must sign below (including the child, if 12 or older, and the child’s attorney).

Date: ➤

Type or print your name and relationship to child Sign your name

Date: ➤

Type or print your name and relationship to child Sign your name

Date: ➤

Type or print your name and relationship to child Sign your name

Date: ➤

Type or print your name and relationship to child Sign your name

Date: ➤

Type or print your name and relationship to child Sign your name

Date: ➤

Type or print your name and relationship to child Sign your name

If more relatives need to sign, attach a sheet of paper.Write “ADOPT-310, Item 6—Signatures of Other Relatives,” at the top.
Number of pages attached:

J udge (or Judicial Officer)

Rev. January 1, 2003 Contact After Adoption Agreement ADOPT-310, Page 2 of 2