Texas Bill of Sale Form is a simple to comprehend format designed to legalize the transfer of a motor vehicle in the state of Texas. The seller of the vehicle acknowledges the sale of the vehicle along with the delivery of the vehicle to the purchaser in the Bill of Sale document.
The vehicle details are furnished in the Bill of Sale making it an authentic documentary evidence of the transaction between the seller and the buyer. The document offers a simple yet very effective and efficient way to provide evident proof, suitable for the further processing of the vehicle. In addition, this Bill of Sale template is a legal document that further relieves the seller from the responsibilities and claims of whatsoever type incurring after handing over the vehicle to the buyer. Bill of Sale document also serves as a receipt for the money paid by the buyer to the seller.
- Texas State is the jurisdiction of the Bill of Sale document.
- Describe motor vehicle details with caution.
- Signature of the seller is necessary to validate the Bill of Sale document.
- Notarization of the document from the Notary Public of Texas state is not necessary for its legal standing.
Begin by filling the name/s of the seller, followed by writing the name of the county of the Texas State. Strike out either I or We as applicable. Mentioning the name of the county of the Texas State is necessary.
Proceed with writing the actual selling price of the vehicle in the space provided on the next line. Mentioning the amount here is essential as it offers an evident receipt of the money paid by the buyer of the motor vehicle and the subject of the Bill of Sale.
The subsequent line of the Bill of Sale document has space for writing the name of the purchaser of the said vehicle. Mentioning the name of the purchaser in the Bill of Sale document is required as it provides a platform to validate the transactions pertaining to the motor vehicle in the subject of the Bill of Sale. Write the name of the county of the residence of the purchaser in the subsequent space provided in the document.
The succeeding portion of the Bill of Sale document has space for mentioning the details of the motor vehicle. Write the year of the manufacturing of the said vehicle followed by the make of the vehicle. Write the body style and identification mark of the vehicle. Proceed with writing the LIC#. Filling these details meticulously is very crucial to define the motor vehicle precisely.
Sign in the space reserved for the signature of the seller, followed by writing the date of the execution of the transaction. Mentioning the date in the Bill of Sale document is of the utmost essence. Complete filling the Bill of Sale document by writing the name of the county right below the date.
Texas Bill of Sale Form Preview