Georgia Petition for Annulment Form

Use this template/form as a Petition for Annulment Form in the State of Georgia


Text version of this Form

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Petitioner: ______________________,
Civil Action
and File No. _____________________

Respondent: ____________________.


I,____________________________________________representing myself, state that:

1. Subject Matter Jurisdiction: I am the Petitioner in this action, and (Check (a) or

ë a) I have been a resident of the State of Georgia for more than six (6)
months prior to filing this action.

ë b) I am not a resident of the State of Georgia, but the Respondent has
been a resident of the State of Georgia and a resident of __________ County
for at least six (6) months prior to my filing of this action.

2. Venue and Service:

The Respondent’s name is _________________________________________.
(Check (a),(b),(c), or (d))

ë a) The Respondent is a resident of ___________ County and is subject to the
jurisdiction of this Court. (Check (1), (2), or (3))

ë 1)The Respondent has consented to the jurisdiction of this Court and
has acknowledged service of process and jurisdiction of this Court.

ë 2)The Respondent may be served at Respondent’s residence address
of ________________________________________.

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1999 Superior Court Family Division

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ë 3)The Respondent may be served at Respondent’s work address of
The Respondent works in _____________ County and shall be served by
second original.

ë b) The Respondent is a resident of _________________ County, State of
Georgia, but Respondent and I lived together in ____________ County at the time we
separated, Respondent has only moved from ___________ County within the past six
months from the date of this filing, and I am a resident of _____________ County. The
Respondent shall be served by second original at his home/work address

ë c) The Respondent is a resident of _____________County, State of Georgia,
and I live in _____________ County. The Respondent has consented to the jurisdiction of
this Court and has acknowledged service of process and jurisdiction of this

ë d) The Respondent is not a resident of the State of Georgia, but I am resident
of ____________ County and (Check (1), (2), (3), or (4)),

ë 1) The Respondent was formerly a resident of the State of
Georgia and presently is a resident of the State of
_______________________. Respondent may be served by
second original pursuant to the Long Arm Statute, O.C.G.A. 9-10-91(5).
(Check a or b)

ë a)The Respondent may be served at Respondent’s residence
address of ________________________________________.

ë b)The Respondent may be served at Respondent’s work address
of _______________________________________________.
The Respondent works in _____________ County and shall be
served by second original.

ë 2) The Respondent’s whereabouts are unknown to me as shown by my
Affidavit of Due Diligence attached hereto and incorporated by reference,
marked Exhibit AA@. The Respondent shall be served by publication as is
provided by law in the case of those who cannot be found within the State
pursuant to O.C.G.A. 9-11-4(e).

ë 3) The Respondent has never resided in the State of Georgia
and currently resides in the State of ___________________.
The Respondent shall be served by publication as is provided by law in
the case of those who cannot be found within the State pursuant to

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1999 Superior Court Family Division

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O.C.G.A. 9-11-4(e).

ë 4) The Respondent has consented to the jurisdiction of this Court
and has acknowledged service of process and jurisdiction of this Court.

3. Date of Purported Marriage(Check (a) or (b))

ë a) The Respondent and I entered into a purported marriage on

ë b) The Respondent and I have lived together in a purported common law
marriage before January 1, 1997 as of ___________________.

4. Date of Separation

The Respondent and I separated on ______________________ and have since
that date continuously lived in a state of separation.

5. There are no children of this marriage.

6. Jointly Owned Property: (Check (a), (b), (c), or (d))

ë a) Respondent and I have no jointly owned property.

ë b) Respondent and I have already divided our jointly owned property to our
mutual satisfaction.

ë c) Respondent and I have the following jointly owned property that I have
checked, and I am asking this Court to equitably divided this property:

__house located at________________________________________________
__pension (mine-_______________, spouse’s-__________________________)
__motor vehicle (model/year ________________________________________)
__furniture (_____________________________________________________)
__bank accounts and investments (___________________________________)
__other (________________________________________________________)

ë d) The issue of the division of jointly owned property cannot be decided in this
action because Georgia does not have personal jurisdiction over spouse.

7. Joint Debts: Check (a) or (b)

ë a) Respondent and I have no outstanding joint debts

ë b) Respondent and I have the following outstanding joint debts and he/she

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should be (solely liable for payment of these debts/ jointly liable for payment of
these debts/responsible for payment of the debts that I checked.)
Creditor Balance
__ _________________________ __________________________
__ _________________________ __________________________
__ _________________________ __________________________

ë c) The issue of the division of joint debts cannot be decided in this action
because Georgia does not have personal jurisdiction over the Respondent.

8. Temporary Alimony: (Check a, b or c)
ë a) I am seeking an award of temporary alimony.
ë b) I am not seeking an award of temporary alimony.
ë c) The issue of temporary alimony cannot be decided in this action because
Georgia does not have personal jurisdiction over my spouse.

9. Restore Former Name.

My former name is______________________________________ and I request
that it be restored to me.

10. Grounds for Annulment.

The grounds for annulment are as follows: (Check all that apply)
All of the following grounds require proof:

ë a) Intermarriage. The Respondent and I are related as follows: (circle)

ë b) Mental incapacity. I did not have the mental capacity to enter into a
marriage when we married because
____________________________________________ .

ë c) Under age. I was under the age of 16 when I entered into the purported
marriage with the Respondent. The Respondent and I entered into the
purported marriage on ______________. I am ______years old and my date of
birth is _____________________.

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ë d) Bigamy. The Respondent has a living spouse of an undissolved marriage
as follows:________________________________________________.

ë e) Force, menace, duress, in obtaining the purported marriage. I entered into
this marriage against my will as a result of ______________________________
_______________________________________________________________ .

ë f) Fraud. I was fraudulently induced to enter into the purported marriage as
_______________________________________________________________ .

FOR THESE REASONS, I request (check all that apply)

ë a) That a Rule Nisi be issued directing the Respondent to show cause why my
prayers should not be granted;

ë b) An award of the jointly owned property listed in paragraph 6;

ë c) Respondent to pay the joint debts listed in paragraph 7;

ë d) That all issues of division of property and debts be held in abeyance until
such time as this court has personal jurisdiction over the Respondent;

ë e) A change back to my former name______________________;

ë f) That the purported marriage between the parties be annulled ab initio;

ë g) Respondent be served with a copy of my Petition for Annulment; and

ë h) Any other appropriate relief.

This _________ day of ____________________________ , ______ .

Pro Se
Name (Print or type): ________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
Phone Number: (____)_____________________________

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1999 Superior Court Family Division