This is a California Family Fitness Liability Release Form, which is used to release the liability when using the indoor rock climbing wall at California Family Fitness. This form is only applicable to indemnify California Family Fitness from liability and cannot be used for any other purpose. Since this is a Liability release form it is important you understand each and every section of this form before you sign it.
How to fill this California Family Fitness Liability Release Form?
First and foremost you must understand the following points when it comes to release of Liability:
- You understand that the sport of Indoor Rock Climbing and using of the facilities of California Family Fitness, has inherent risks. You also agree that you are voluntarily participating in the activities provided by California Family Fitness.
- You also agree to release liability towards California Family Fitness for the following incidents:
- All injuries resulting of you falling off from the Climbing wall.
- Cable abrasion resulting from using the equipment at California Family Fitness.
- Any injuries resulting from other climbers falling on you or from dropped items.
- Cuts and Lacerations resulting from skin contact with the climbing wall.
- The failure of equipment or any part of the climbing wall structure.
- You also acknowledge that the above list of incidents isn’t all inclusive and it doesn’t limit the extent or reach of this California Family Fitness Liability Release Form.
- This agreement will also be binding upon your heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators or assignee.
After understanding all the factors of this Liability Release, you must fill in the following details:
- Your Full Name.
- Date of Birth.
- If you are under the age of 18 then you must also enter Your Parent’s Name and Date of Birth.
- Address.
- Home and Work Telephone Numbers.
- Your Signature.
- Your Member Number for California Family Fitness.
- If there are going to be multiple users, from the same family you also need to enter their names and date of births.
Once you have filled in all the above mentioned details, California Family Fitness, must enter their Trainer’s Name, Signature and the name of the Club. If you are under the age of 18, you will need to get this California Family Fitness Liability Release Form signed by your Parent or legal guardian. You can easily download this document by clicking on the link below.
California Family Fitness Liability Release Form
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