This is a Free North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church Workgroup Participant Liability Release Form, it is used when you want to release Liability, when talking as a volunteer with the North Alabama United Methodist church’s disaster recovery wing. When you sign this document you agree that you are working as a volunteer and that you understand your working relationship with Alabama United Methodist Disaster Recovery.
How to complete this Free North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church Workgroup Participant Liability Release Form?
To complete this form you must understand the following things:
- The fact that you acknowledge that you have chosen to travel the work site perform clean-up/construction work in disaster relief. And you understand the risk that this work entails.
- You understand that you are engaging in this project at your own risk and that this is a “grassroots” activity to support those affected by disaster.
- The North Alabama conference of the United Methodist Church is not responsible or liable for your personal effects properties while you are living in the accommodations provided by them.
- By signing this document you release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless the North Alabama conference, its districts and any local church or camp within the North Alabama conference. You will not hold them responsible for any causes of action arising because of your participation in this project, your travel, lodging which includes any damages caused.
What to fill in this Free North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church Workgroup Participant Liability Release Form?
You must fill in the following details in the blank spaces provided for them, complete this form:
- Enter your full name in the first blank.
- A printed name in the space provided for it.
- Your signature.
- The date on which you are signing this document.
- Your address.
- The name of your emergency contact.
- Their home phone number.
- Their cell phone number.
By following the steps above, you can easily complete this Free North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church Workgroup Participant Liability Release Form. Keep in mind that before completing any legal document you should always go through it once or twice, understand the language and understand the process by which the document works. If you are having any trouble understanding any part of this form you can consult with an attorney. To download this document click on the link below.
Alabama Participant Liability Release Form