Disclosure Rule EPA Section 1018 and Residential Resale Lead-Based Paint Hazard 1992 mandates the homeowners and listing brokers to declare identified lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards in writing during a sale or lease of a property. Handing over the pamphlet “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home” issued by EPA, HUD, and the CSPC is necessary.
This rule applies to any housing built before the year 1978. Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form is intended to facilitate the exchange of information regarding the lead-based paint in the said property for sale or lease. Please read the disclosure tips along with your listing agent if any prior to proceeding. However, you have a right to know that certain lease transactions and/or properties are exempted from the lead-based paint disclosure requirements.
Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form
Prior to Proceeding
- Certification of government-approved inspector attracts exemption from lead-based paint disclosure requirements.
- Lease for the period of less than hundred days and with no intention of renewal or extension within this period attracts exemption from lead-based paint disclosure requirements.
- Please ensure that your property is not among the target housing if it is built prior to 1978.
- You must disclose lead-based paint hazards, share records, and handover “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home” pamphlet.
- The listing broker or property manager must acquire property owner’s signatures on the Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form and obtain necessary records to transfer the same to the tenant or its leasing agent through approved channel of transfer of documents.
Steps for Preparing Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form
- Enter the property address on the foremost line of the Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form.
- The landlord must complete part A, B, and C duly. Please continue with selection between A1 or A2. Mark the right box to accept the awareness of the potential hazard or no otherwise. The landlord must sign on the line next to the selection of the option in part A in conformity with the same.
- Select B1 if you possess necessary record and handover the same to the tenant and/or leasing agent. Mark the box in B2 in case you do not possess any record of the lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards. The landlord must sign on the line next to the selection of the option in part B.
- Sign on the line in part C in conformity to the declaration.
- The tenant must sign in part D and E in acceptance to receiving the copies of the reports, records, or other materials for disclosure of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards as well as “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home” pamphlet.
- Involved agent/s must sign with initials in part F of the Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form.
- Landlord/s and tenant/s along with the listing and leasing agent must date and sign this Arizona Lead Based Paint Disclosure Form on the respective lines in Certification of Accuracy
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