Form 577, California 3 Day Notice to Quit is a legal instrument intended to initialize the eviction of a defaulting tenant. This instrument is in line with the directives prescribed in Calif. Code of Civil Procedure §1161(4). Furnishing the details in the respective fields is necessary to sanctify the demand of the eviction.
Any input space left blank declares its not applicable. This Form 577, California 3 Day Notice to Quit offers a short duration for evacuation and the landlord must specify the reasons, irreversible and beyond rectification for serving the notice and violations of the lease agreement in detail in the space reserved for the same. The landlord can execute further proceedings for the recovery of unpaid rent and/or other dues under the provision in Calif. Civil Code §1951.2.
Before You Start
- The landlord can use provisions prescribed in Calif. Code of Civil Procedure §1161(4) and Calif. Civil Code §1951.2 for evacuation of a defaulting tenant and recovery of debts.
- Read this form 577, California 3 Day Notice to Quit carefully before proceeding to understand the provisions furnished in it.
- Do not leave any space for input blank and otherwise it declares the inapplicability.
- Furnish the reasons for the breach in detail. You may also enclose supporting documents along with form 577.
- Form 577, California 3 Day Notice to Quit is intended for use in residential and non-residential property eviction.
California 3 Day Notice to Quit
Insert the date and the place in California State on the foremost line of Form 577. Specify the legal name of the tenant on the next line.
Continue by furnishing facts like date of the lease agreement and address of the property in 1.1. Enter the name of the tenant and the name of the landlord in the spaces provided in subsection 1.2. Describe the property in detail in 1.3.
Specify reason/s of the breach of the lease agreement and evacuation in section 2, Notice. Provide a detailed description and you can enclose documentary evidence in support of the reasons furnished here.
Specify name of the agent or authorized representative to receive the possession of the property from the tenant upon the completion of three days of serving the notice in form 577. Read the provisions discussed in section 4 carefully. Complete form 577, California 3 Day Notice to Quit by inserting the date, name of landlord/agent, signature, address, phone and fax number along with the email address in the respective spaces. Notarization of the document and/or signature of the landlord is not required on form 577, California 3 Day Notice to Quit for its legal standing.
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