California 30 Day Notice to Terminate Tenancy served under the provisions of the California Civil Code Section 789 and/or Section 1946. The notice also is intended for instigating evacuation of the tenant from the said premises. The form is suitable for terminating month-to-month basis leased tenancy.
Specifying the mode of serving the notice is of the greatest importance for the legal standing of the document and space for furnishing these details is provided in the form. Read the provisions pertaining to the termination of the lease agreement, evacuation of the tenant, and reclaim abandoned personal property carefully. This multipurpose legal instrument serves various purposes when executed properly.
For Your Information
- Read the document carefully before proceeding as this multifaceted document has various provisions to simplify the termination process.
- Specify particulars in Proof of Service section carefully as it is a declaration under the penalty of perjury.
- Reclaiming abandoned property comes with a cost to the tenant.
- The plaintiff/landlord may initiate legal proceeding for lease termination, evacuation of the tenant/defendant, and recovery of debt upon the failure in response from the tenant.
- Notarization of California 30 Day Notice to Terminate Tenancy is not necessary. However, make a few true copies of the duly filled document.
California 30 Day Notice to Terminate Tenancy
Enter the name of the Owner in the foremost line of the document. Specify the name/s of tenant/s on the succeeding lines. Proceed to property description requiring inputs like address, apartment or suite number, city, state, and zip code. Mention the name of the county on the following line.
Sign in the space provided for Owner’s signature and insert the date in the appropriate blank space.
Section Proof of Service has spaces for inputs and you as the Owner must select the right option among three provided. Select the first box if the tenant received the notice in-person. Enter the date of serving the notice. Select the second box and insert the date of serving the notice when the notice is served to a person of lawful age available at the address instead of the aforementioned tenant. Provide the date of mailing the notice by US Mail postage prepaid. Mark the third box when the notice is posted in a clearly visible location on the property/premises due to unavailability of the tenant or anyone else. Insert date of posting the notice and the date of mailing the notice to the tenant via US Mail prepaid postage.
Complete the California 30 Day Notice to Terminate Tenancy by inserting the date of execution and name of the person who served the notice.
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