Florida Statute S. 83.20(2) permits a Landlord to issue Florida Notice To Quit – Termination Of Tenancy with the notice period of seven days in the case of the nonpayment of the rent and / or irrevocable breach of the tenancy by the Tenant.
The Landlord has rights to demand past due rent, if any and evacuation of the premises as per the provisions in Florida State law. Section 83.20 of the Florida Statute further grants permission to the Landlord to file a civil action for possession of the property. However, you must provide a reasonable notice period of seven business days excluding weekends and national holidays. This Florida Notice To Quit – Termination Of Tenancy is suitable for terminating week-to-week rental agreement. Please complete this form duly including the proof of service section. You do not need to serve the proof of service portion along with notice to the Tenant. However, please ensure to use acceptable methods of serving the notice.
Facts about Florida 7 Day Notice To Quit – Termination Of Tenancy
- Please review Florida Statutes 2015 Title VI and Chapter 83 for detailed guidelines of serving Florida Notice To Quit – Termination Of Tenancy. You must follow these directives while preparing and serving a notice to the Tenant.
- Please specify the address of the property and the date of the termination accurately. You must permit an extension of five days to the notice period in case you are serving this notice by USPS certified mail.
- You must maintain a copy of proof of service properly. You need not serve a copy of proof of service along with the notice to the Tenant. However, you need this copy in case of filing eviction suit or forced detainer complaint in the District Court.
- The notice must be served in the acceptable manner by the law. You must ensure to hand over a copy of the notice to each resident on the premises including the Tenant. You have rights to post the notice in a conspicuous location in case of absence of Tenant and any other adult resident.
- Please use this notice form to declare and serve a termination notice for week-to-week rental agreement.
Directions For Filling The Florida 7 Day Notice To Quit – Termination Of Tenancy
- Enter the Tenant’s name on the first line.
- Continue by entering the address of the Tenant on the subsequent lines.
- Then enter the description and address of the rental property on the next line.
- Enter the date of the termination. Please compute this date accurately and consider the extension of five days in case you plan to serve the notice by certified mail.
- Enter the name of the place in Florida state and date in the required manner.
- Sign on the next line, enter your printed name, address, and phone number on the respective lines.
- Enter the date of serving the notice to the Tenant and select the mode of serving the notice to complete the preparation of the Florida Notice To Quit – Termination Of Tenancy.
Florida 7 Day Notice To Quit – Termination Of Tenancy
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