Chapter 80 of Florida Statute 2015 has important guidelines for Landlords who want to file Florida Eviction Complaint before the Circuit/County Court of the Florida State. Eviction Complaint form has two parts. Count I part of the form is used to file a request for an eviction order.
Alternately Count II part of the form is used to file a request for the recovery of debts, including attorney fees and other expenses from the Tenant. Florida Statute grants rights to you to file both parts simultaneously or separately. However, the court issues separate summons for each part. Please prepare this Eviction Complaint after seeking legal advice in case you do not understand any term or the procedure of the court. The law mandates you to provide accurate details in Count I and Count II. Falsification of information is a felony.
Before filing the Florida Eviction Complaint
- Please review Count I of the Eviction Complaint carefully and provide accurate particulars requested in it. You must provide the date of serving the notice of eviction in the Count I. Use this form to request an eviction order from the court.
- Please enclose necessary documents evidencing the rental agreement between you and the Tenant along with the copy of the eviction notice and proof of service. You must mark the boxes indicating you have enclosed the necessary documents along with the Eviction Complaint form.
- You must acquire a case number from the clerk of the court and mention it on the form. Please understand you are a plaintiff and enter the particulars of the defendant and plaintiff accordingly. An error while defining the plaintiff and defendant is not acceptable.
- File Count II part of the Eviction Complaint in case you want to request recovery order from the court. Please complete this part of the form duly. Any omissions and errors are not permitted.
- You must date and sign the form in addition to entering your address prior to filing it with the clerk of the court. Please hand over the original Eviction Complaint form along with supporting documents to the clerk.
Direction for preparing a Florida Eviction Complaint
- Enter case number after acquiring it from the clerk of the court.
- Then enter the division of the court.
- Enter particulars of the plaintiff and defendant in appropriate spaces.
Count I
- Enter the address of the real property on line 2.
- Enter the amount of the rent in the US dollar.
- Enter the due date of the rent.
- Mark the box to agree to the enclosure of copy of written rental agreement.
- Enter the particulars of eviction notice on line 5.
- Mark the box to agree to the enclosure of copy of notice and proof of service.
Count II
- Enter the amount of damage in the US dollar on line 1.
- Describe the reason for the claim and enter amount claimed in US dollar.
- Specify the heads of the accrued amount and enter the total payable amount in US dollar.
- Enter your name, address, and phone number as a plaintiff on the respective lines to complete the preparation of the Eviction Complaint.
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