The Alabama Code 1975, 10A-1-3.05 and 10A-5-2.02 mandates filing the Alabama Domestic LLC Certificate of Formation Form in the office of the Judge of Probate of the county of LLC’s registered office. You must enclose a $100 filing fee along with your application payable to the Secretary of State for the state.
You may complete Credit Card Payment Option Sheet in case you need a receipt for the credit card payment provided such payment is accepted by the office of the Judge of Probate. You must specify the name of the LLC in line with the directives specified in the Alabama Code, Title 10A-1-5.06. Enclose Name Reservation Certificate copy along with this form. Title 10A of Alabama Code requires furnishing particulars in this form.
Alabama Domestic LLC Certificate of Formation Form
You Must Know Before Proceeding
- The Secretary of State’s Office indexes the filing of certification and you can view it online under Government Records tab/Business Entity Records link.
- You must laser print or type this Alabama Domestic LLC Certificate of Formation Form.
- Name of the LLC must be in line with the guidelines specified in the Alabama Code, Title 10A-1-5.06. It must contain words and/or abbreviations like LLC, L.L.C., or Limited Liability Company.
- PO Box address is not accepted while providing the registered address of LLC, Agent/s, and Organizer/s.
- Please furnish the purpose of formation of LLC as specified in Title 10A, Chapter 5 of the Alabama Code.
How To Prepare Alabama Domestic LLC Certificate Of Formation Form
Step 1: Enter the name of LLC as required by Alabama Code, Title 10A-1-5.06.
Step 2: Enclose the copy of the Name Reservation certificate. Then enter Preparer’s information when applicable.
Step 3: Enter street address of LLC’s principal office. Mention mailing address separately if different from registered address. Do not use PO Box address.
Step 4: Enter name and address of registered agent. Specify mailing address if different from street address. Do not use PO Box address.
Step 5: Enter the purpose of formation of LLC as specified in the Alabama Code, Title 10A, and Chapter 5.
Step 6: Enter name/s and address/es of Organizers. Specify mailing address if different from the street address. Please use an additional sheet for providing details of Organizers if more than one. Do not use PO Box address.
Step 7: Enter the number of managers, give details like name, and mailing address of managers when applicable. You may choose to attach listing for providing details of more managers.
Step 8: Enter the effective date of filing if you do not want immediate filing of the Alabama Domestic LLC Certificate of Formation Form. Leave blank or strike out otherwise. The later date of filing must not exceed 90 days as directed in Alabama Code, 10A-1-4.12.
Step 9: Mark the box, date and sign the form. Please enter your printed name and title. Each member must sign this form separately as required by Alabama Code, 10A-5-2.04.
Secretary of State Credit Card Payment Option Sheet
Fill this section of Alabama Domestic LLC Certificate of Formation Form in case you need a receipt of credit card payment. Enter LLC name, card type, select requested services, credit card number, expiration, name of the cardholder, billing address, and cardholder’s signature on the respective lines.
Form Preview