California Adopt-325 Judges Order to Enforce Contact After Adoption Agreement is a legal document issued by the judge, Superior Court of California under the governance of the Judicial Council of California; California Family Code §§ 8714.5, 8714.7 and California Welfare & Institutions Code, § 366.26.
Petitioner of Adopt-325 requires furnishing various inputs pertaining to the Judge’s Order to Enforce, Change, End Contact After Adoption Agreement. You as a petitioner may need to submit forms Adopt-310, Adopt-315, Adopt-320, Testimony, and other Evidence/s in support of the petition to the judge to amend the order for contact after the adoption. Form Adopt-325 has 7 prominent parts and judge’s inputs are required in part 4 through part 7 as applicable. You as a petitioner need to furnish particulars in part 1 through part 3.
As a petitioner you must
- Furnish all particulars truthfully and accurately.
- Do not enter any particulars in part 4 through part 7.
- Submit required supporting documentation and other forms as and when needed.
- Read form Adopt-325 carefully to understand the provisions and possible judgments.
- Specify people present and not present for the hearing accurately and furnish the names as applicable.
California Adopt 325 Judges Order to Enforce Contact After Adoption
Start by typing your legal name as a petitioner for the order. Use line 1.a and 1.b as necessary to furnish name/s. Enter your street address, city, state, and zip code in the respective spaces if no lawyer is representing your petition before the judge. Alternately, skip entering the address and furnish lawyer’s particulars like lawyer’s name, address, phone number, and State Bar Number to complete part 1 of the form Adopt-325.
Enter adopted child’s legal name, date of birth, and age in the respective spaces in part 2 of the form.
Part 3 of Adopt-325 requires furnishing the information of people present for the hearing. Start furnishing information by entering the date of hearing, department, division, room, and the name of the judge. Continue by marking the boxes to select the attendance of Adopting Parent(s), Lawyer representing Adopting Parent(s), Child, Lawyer of the Child, Parent with parental rights, and other people if any. You must furnish names of other people on lines 3.a through 3.d as necessary and applicable. Mark the box Not Present and specify name of the person absent for the hearing in case you want to highlight the person’s name before the judge.
Do not enter any particular in part 4 through part 7 as these are reserved for inputs and judgment by the judge of the Superior Court of California.
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