You as a prospective tenant can file this Alabama Rental Application with owner/manager of a property to apply for renting the same under the Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity initiative by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.
You must duly complete this two-part equal opportunity rental application. Please provide accurate and truthful information in all sections of the form. Filing this application does not guarantee issuance of rented property; however, it is the way to start the processing. You must authorize the property owner/manager to run a credit and/or background check before sanctioning the rented premises if necessary. Please type or print this form with black/blue ink.
Things You Must Know
- Please answer both parts of Equal Housing Opportunity Alabama Rental Application form duly.
- Please provide your personal details as requested on this form.
- Please specify particulars of your credit history accurately for faster processing of the application form.
- Please mention references along with your employment details in the respective sections of the form. It helps in an unbiased evaluation of your application.
- You may choose to provide additional information that helps in the evaluation of your equal housing opportunity rental application in Alabama State in your favor.
How to Prepare Alabama Rental Application Form
Part I – Personal Details
- Enter property details, expected date of move in, rent amount, and amount of security deposit in the respective spaces.
- Specify your name, home phone number, date of birth, SSN, email address, co-applicant’s name, date of birth, and SSN if any, name and date of birth of each dependant, and list all pets in Please Tell Us About Yourself section of the Alabama Rental Application form.
- Provide your residential history for last three years in the next section. Please mention current address, month and year of moving in, reason for leaving, and rent amount along with name and phone number of previous renter. You may provide details of all occupancies within past three years on separate lines.
- Specify your credit history by giving details of bankruptcy, eviction, default in rent payment, or willful refusal of rent payment by selecting yes or no for each option.
- Section Employment information requires inputs about your status of employment, name of the employer, date of joining, designation, name and phone number of supervisor, and salary. Please state name of previous employer if employed for less than 12 months. You may provide details of other income/s if that support your application.
- Enter details of your bank account, reference, driver’s license and state, and vehicle information in the respective fields.
- Provide additional information if any if it supports your Alabama Rental Application. Then enter your preferred contact details.
- Mention the amount of deposit in the US dollar and tenure of the lease on the following lines. Then date and sign this application form.
Part II – Authorization
Enter your printed name, then date and sign the authorization to allow the property owner/manager to investigate your history of credit, tenancy, employment, and banking to complete preparing Alabama Rental Application form.
Form Preview