The Arkansas General Power of Attorney Form grants full rights for someone else (the ‘Attorney in Fact’) to handle all of your financial responsibilities by completing the form and signing with at least two witnesses (over the age of 18) or in front of a notary public.
General Powers of Attorney allow for a person to handle any type of legal financially related transaction in the state in which they are written, but become void if the person being represented (the ‘Principal’) can no longer think for themselves due to a medical condition.
The Arkansas General Power of Attorney grants a limited scope of action to the Attorney in Fact, whom the Principal may simply need to carry out a simple task. An Attorney in Fact acts as the Principal’s legal representative in matters that the Principal is unable to attend to personally. These can be revoked by the Principal at any time or automatically cease effectiveness once the matter has been completed.
Section V. Principal
The Principal enters their full name and address where they are currently residing. By filling this section they confirm that they are happy to pass over powers to their Attorney in Fact
Section VI. Attorney in Fact
The Attorney in Fact enters their full name and address, followed by the State in which legal powers will pass – In this case the state is Arizona
Section VII. Successor Attorney in Fact
A Principal has the option to have a successor Attorney in Fact incase the first cannot perform their duties for any reason. This could be because they are either unable or unwilling to. In this section the details of the successor Attorney in Fact should be entered, followed again by the state of Arizona
Section XII. Principal’s Signature
The Principal should write their full name followed by the date, and then sign to confirm that they are currently over the age of 18 and of sound mind and under no pressure to make the Durable Power of Attorney
Section XII. Attorney in Fact’s Signature
The Attorney in Fact should write their full name, sign and date this section to confirm they understand their responsibilities
Section XIV. Successor Attorney in Fact’s Signature
Where there is a Successor Attorney in Fact they should write their full name, sign and date this section to confirm they understand their responsibilities
The document must then EITHER be notarized by a Notary Public who will be present when all 3 parties sign OR be witnessed by 2 independent witnesses, over the age of 18 who must be present when all 3 parties sign the form.
Arkansas General Power of Attorney Form
Form Arkansas General Power of Attorney Form