Texas Financial Durable Power of Attorney Form is a legal instrument intended to grant powers to an agent/attorney-in-fact to act on your behalf as if you were present during the action.
The Durable Power of Attorney Act, Chapter XII, Texas Probate Code has directives about the governance of the power of attorney along with sweeping and broad powers of execution. Read this form carefully to understand various provisions and limitations for granting the powers. You as a signing principal are authorized to revoke the power of attorney as per your will and wish.
Be careful while allotting/granting power/s to the agent and mention the special instructions to boost and/or limit the powers of the power of attorney. Notarization of the document is necessary. You as signing principal and the agent under the appointment must sign the document before a Notary Public of Texas to legalization and execution of the instrument.
How Fill a Durable Power of Attorney Form Texas
Begin by typing your name and address on the foremost line of Texas Financial Durable Power of Attorney Form. This defines your role as signing principal. Furnish name and address of attorney-in-fact/agent under the appointment.
The next section has lists of powers to be accorded. You must strike out the powers you do not need to grant. No strikeouts in this section denote the grant of all powers mentioned and in turn makes this legal instrument a general power of attorney. However, under no circumstances, the appointed agent can take any/all healthcare decisions for you using this power of attorney. You must select the powers you want to grant among 13 options described in this section carefully.
Texas Financial Durable Power of Attorney Form
Mention your choice about gifts in the space provided by signing in front of the statement pertaining to gifts in acceptance to it. Provide special instructions in the next section to limit and/or boost aforementioned powers as well as grant new ones not listed. Use this section as a tool to protect your interests.
The succeeding portion seeks the input of your choice of the mode of execution. You can opt for immediate execution or execution upon the declaration of your incapacity and/or disability. However, you must strike out anyone from the option (a) or (b). No strikeout makes option (a) applicable.
Mention the name of a successor agent if applicable and continue by entering the date and signing in the respective spaces allocated in the power of attorney form. Continue by furnishing the name of the state and county on the succeeding lines.
Inputs by a notary officer are necessary in the last section of the power of attorney. Furnish date, name of the signing principal, signature of the notarial officer, seal if any, and printed name. Insert the date of commission expiry to complete and execute the Texas Durable POA Form unless mentioned otherwise.