Free Illinois Landlord and Tenant Forms - Download () Templates

Illinois Landlord and Tenant Forms are forms which can be used either by the landlord or the tenant, when getting into anything related to renting, leasing , purchasing or selling of a real estate property. Forms available below are related to either Real Estate, Landlords or Tenants and are specifically in pursuant to the Landlord and Tenant laws in the State of Illinois.

Illinois Real Estate Transfer Declaration PTAX-203

Illinois Real Estate Transfer Declaration PTAX-203

Form PTAX-203 Illinois Real Estate Transfer Declaration is an instrument intended to facilitate the transfer of a real estate property from the seller to the buyer. Submitting duly completed Form PTAX-203 is mandatory even when a tax exemption is demanded. The Real Estate Transfer Tax Law (35 ILCS 200/31-1 et …

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Illinois Small Estate Affidavit Form

Illinois Small Estate Affidavit is a legal document that defines the distribution of assets and estates of a deceased person. Filing the affidavit is necessary when the descendent dies on or after 9/4/1991. You can appoint an agent for service of process in Illinois or the Clerk of the Circuit Court

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