Free Loan Agreement Forms - Download (10) Templates

A Loan Agreement is used when you are lending someone money, object of value etc which the borrower has to return with or without an interest. Below are some loan templates you can use as per your requirements. The loan agreement templates available below are in PDF format.

Wichita State University Computer Loan Agreement

Wichita State University Computer Loan Agreement is a loan agreement format for a laptop or computer for the Wichita State University. It is used when a laptop or computer is being lent to a student studying in Wichita State University.

The agreement mentions the terms and conditions of the lending. It must also mention the state for the computer or laptop being lent. If any extras are being lent with the laptop or computer that must be mentioned as well. These extras can include a battery charger, mouse, keyboard etc.

The form for the computer loan agreement is by the Wichita State University- Athletic Student Services office. It requires the name of the person who would be loaning the computer or laptop along with the laptop label number. The first paragraph also requires a timing as to when the laptop or computer would be returned. If the computer or laptop is not returned within a week of that date the the student would be charged 25$ per week.

Wichita State University Computer Loan Agreement

The form is an acknowledgement by the student that once the laptop or computer is in their possession it is their responsibility. Any damage or repairs that the laptop or computer may need will be paid for by the student. The student will exercise care while using the laptop or computer and in case there are any damages to the computer or laptop on return, the student will be billed for the replacement costs as well. The above condition would obviously exclude normal wear and tear and repairs which are covered by warranty. The form also provides provisions in case the laptop or computer is stolen while in possession of the student. The university has the right to put a hold on the students account and prevent them from registering in future classes as well in case the laptop or computer is not returned or if the replacement costs are not paid.

The final section of the form requires the signature of the student and the signature of the person representing Athletic Student Services along with the date on which the form is signed.

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Simple Loan Agreement

Simple Loan Agreement

A Simple Loan Agreement allows a lender grant someone else a sum of money for a period of time with the expectation of being paid back. By completing the Simple Loan Agreement the lender and the borrower can agree on the following terms Loan amount Length of loan Amount financed Finance …

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Secured Promissory Note

A secured promissory has to be used when a borrower promises to pay a certain amount. The promise can be to repay a loan with a security of a deed of trust, mortgage or in the form of some other valuable security.

This security has to be equivalent in amount to the loan amount which needs to be repaid. The promissory note is a form of security for the lender in the case of default of payment. The person who has lent the money can recover his loan money from the security that has been provided. This form is a template which can be adjusted according to needs of the parties.

The form requires details such as the amount of the promissory note and the date on which the promissory note has been made. The maker of the promissory note is the person who promises to pay back the money to the holder. The name of both the maker and the holder need to mentioned, followed by the amount of money that the maker promises to pay. The interest which needs to be paid on the loan amount also needs to be mentioned as agree between the parties.

Secured Promissory Note

The next part requires the details regarding the installments that need to be paid. The parties must decide whether there will be installments and in what amount. The date on which the installments start and date on which they end need to be mentioned. The appropriate boxes need to be checked depending on what is agreed.

The due date, default interest and the charges in case of late payments also need to be filled in the appropriate blanks. The promissory note needs to be signed by both the maker as well as the holder in two separate locations, where the relevant blanks have been left.

Any further terms that may have been agreed to can be attached to the note and signed by both parties for them to be binding. The last part of the note makes mention of the choice of security which will be used for the promissory note and the address of the maker.

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Personal Loan Agreement

The personal loan agreement is used when you are borrowing or lending money from or to someone. The complete details about the loan amount, the interest rate, the repayment information has to be mentioned in this agreement and be signed when agreed by both parties. This is just a template …

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Loan Agreement Format

This Loan Agreement Format is used in cases of a reverse mortgage loan. This is the form that needs to be filled in cases where money is being lent for renovation or up gradation of particular property which has been mentioned in the form itself. The money is usually provided by …

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Fine Arts Loan Agreement

The Fine Arts Loan Agreement form needs to be filled when a loan is given to someone in the form of an artwork. When a person lends a piece of artwork to someone else for a particular period of time they will get into a Fine Arts Loan Agreement.

While the artwork is in the possession of the borrower, they have the responsibility to take care of the artwork. The person who is lending the artwork always has the option of insuring the artwork in order to protect it from any damages. The owner must also provide valuation for the artwork along with the artwork when passing possession of the artwork to the borrower. The Fine Arts Loan Agreement form starts by stating the purpose of the loan.

The person or department responsible for the artwork must be mentioned in the form as well. The title and vale of the artwork is filled in next. The dates of passing the possession and reclaiming the artwork need to be mentioned. The name and the address of the lender along with details such as their phone number and fax number will be filled next along with the credit line. The name of the artist and the date of the work along with the medium of work are to be filled in. The size of the artwork and weight of the artwork is also mentioned in the form. One must check the box provided in case photographs of the work have been provided and if permission to reproduce the photographs has been given. The contact name and address for copyright clearance and the date of arrival of the artwork is filled in next.

Fine Arts Loan Agreement

Details regarding the insurance of the artwork are in the next section. One must provide the value of the insurance and the name of the person who will be in charge of checking the condition of the artwork.

The form ends with the signatures of the person who is borrowing the artwork and the person who is lending the artwork. In case of departments, the person representing the department must sign and mention the date.

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Equine Loan Agreement

The Equine Loan Agreement form is to put into writing the loan agreement between the parties. This agreement is made when a party lends an Equine to another party. The responsibility for feeding, grazing and overall care of the equine will lie with the person borrowing the equine.

This responsibility will lie till the end of the loan date as mentioned in the agreement. The person who will borrow the equine will be referred to as the guardian. The person lending the equine will have complete authority to inspect the equine, without notice to the guardian. If the equine is being moved to another location, it is the responsibility of the guardian to inform the owner regarding such movement in the form of a written notice.

The loan agreement starts with the mention of the name of the owner of the horse. The owners address and contact details must be filled in. The name of the guardian is mentioned after that along with the address and contact details of the guardian.

Details regarding the horse such as its name, color, freeze mark, height, breed/type, height, age, and passport reference need to be given. The date of commencement of the loan between the two parties must be clearly mentioned.

Equine Loan Agreement

The next part of the form lists out the various conditions or terms of the loan agreement. It mentions the rights and duties of the owner as well as the guardian. The guardian must be informed if the horse is not being provided with the facilities that have been agreed to and the owner reserves the right to remove the horse from the possession of the guardian if the conditions agreed to are not being fulfilled. The guardian must insure the horse via a third party and send a copy of the document to the owner of the horse. The horse must not be bred and any offspring arising out of such a breeding would be the property of the owner.

The agreement end with the name and signature of both parties along with the date on which the agreement has been signed.

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Blank Promissory Note

Blank Promissory Note is a legal instrument signed and released by the borrower of a loan to the lender. This document has spaces for the signature of the witnesses to validate its legality. The promissory note has a provision to define its status as secured or unsecured note. Furnishing details …

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Balloon Loan Agreement Template

Balloon Loan Agreement is used when lump sum payments are made along with the loan amount. The Balloon Loan Agreement is a type of agreement in which the person paying the loan needs to make additional payments along with the loan amount.

Since the additional payments are in huge amounts over and above the loan payment it is called a Balloon Loan. This scenario usually take place when the loan amount is agreed to and the payments you make during the loan duration are lower and at the end of the loan duration you have to more. This payment can be made at intervals or in lump sum amounts. The reason for the extra payment is usually accumulated interest.

The form mentions that the balloon payment agreement is for a fixed rate. Further, it will require the mention of the city and state along with the full address of the property. The agreement mentions the promise of the borrower to pay a certain amount. The amount is to be mentioned in dollars and the name of the lender is to be mentioned in the same point. The promise is to pay in the form of cash, check or money order. The rate of interest which is to be charged is also mentioned and must be mutually agreed to by both parties.

The next section deals with the structure of the payments. The agreed dates of payment must be mentioned along with the place at which the payment has to be made. The fixed amount for monthly payments must also be mentioned in dollars. These blanks are followed by terms that are agreed between both parties such as the rights of the borrower and the conditions for loan charges and the provisions for late charges. In case of late payment of amount, the charges that are agreed between the parties are mentioned in the form and are liable to be paid.

Balloon Loan Agreement

The form must be completed with that seal of the borrower in three places. The signature must be original.

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Artwork Loan Agreement

Artwork Loan Agreement

Artwork Loan Agreement is a legal document binding on the lender and the borrower for display of fine arts exhibits during the exhibition. Each artwork must be separately listed in this form in addition to providing its dimensions and face value in US dollar. Institutions use this form to borrow …

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